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Another Jesus, Another Gospel

This book exposes the errors of the trinity doctrine, which through metaphors and role-plays teaches another Jesus and another gospel. The second half of this book contains a list of 15 answers to objections based on the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. 


The Wondrous Love of God

Peggy Boyd

The most powerful illustration of God's love for us is seen in Him sending His only begotten Son to earth in order to save us. This book is perfect for those without an Adventist background as its evidence is wholly based upon the Bible without any reference to the Spirit of Prophecy.


The Altar of the Lord

Does the story of Elijah on Mount Carmel have any relevance for us today? In this transcript, we find an examination of what the altar represents, as well as what it means to both destroy the altar and to restore it.


Putting the Pieces Together

RM Compilation

This book answers questions based on seemingly difficult statements from the Spirit of Prophecy surrounding the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


The Godhead in Black & White

RM Compilation

A compilation of statements ranging from 1827-1915 which unmistakably reveal Ellen G. White's position on the Godhead.


Alpha & Omega

Neville Doherty

This book identifies the alpha and omega of deadly heresies through a study of Adventist church history.


The Deity of Christ

Charles S. Longacre


Christ and the Trinity

Donna Hernberg

Centred on Matthew 16:13-18, this book reveals how a belief in the literal Sonship of Christ is the cornerstone doctrine of which Jesus said: "upon this rock will I build my church". An objective analysis of the two foundations of worship - the trinity and Matthew 16:16.


Building on Solid Rock

Bob and Peggy Boyd

An exploration of how the trinity doctrine denies the true Father-Son relationship and thereby rejects the solid rock upon which Christ built the church. This book contains evidence from both the Bible and SOP. 


The Elijah Message

Before the second coming of Christ there will sound a last-day message which will be given in the Spirit and power of Elijah, just as John the Baptist gave before Christ's first coming. What is this message? And how can we be a part of it?


Who is the third person of the Godhead?


This book answers a common objection concerning a passage in Desire of Ages page 671. Within this oft-quoted statement lies a powerful and invaluable truth about the Comforter.


The Living Voice of the Lord's Witnesses

RM Compilation

This compilation of statements from the pioneers of the Adventist church reveals their beliefs on the Godhead through the years.


Christ and His Righteousness

E.J. Waggoner

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